stdClass Object ( [id] => 1293692 [title] => Pogledajte kako su gardisti u Buckinghamskoj palači odali počast Tini Turner i rasplakali njene fanove [alias] => pogledajte-kako-su-gardisti-u-buckinghamskoj-palaci-odali-pocast-tini-turner-i-rasplakali-njene-fanove [catid] => 262 [published] => 1 [introtext] => [fulltext] =>

Mnogi poznati i nepoznati ljudi širom svijeta tuguju za "kraljicom rock ‘n‘ rolla" Tinom Turner. Iako dugo nije bila aktivna u glazbi, a posljednji koncert održala je još 2009., a zadnji studijski album još 2000. godine, 83-godišnja glazbenica i njezini hitovi ljude ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim ni danas. Tako će, zasigurno, biti i u budućnost. A očigledno je da je kraljicu rocka obožavao i jedan pravi kralj s krunom i prijestoljem - Charles III., britanski vladar. Poznato je da je njegova majka, kraljica Elizabeta II. koja je preminula prošle godine, voljela pjesme Tine Turner, a njih dvije su se čak i upoznale 1989. godine, piše Jutarnji list.

Sada je u čast Tini Turner, u dvorištu Buckinghamske palače, glavnog sjedišta britanske monarhije, a po naredbi kralja Charlesa izvedena je pjesma "Simply The Best". Simpatična je to i pomalo neobična obrada Tininog ultimativnog hita, a izveli su je orkestar velške Garde i bubnjarska skupina 1. bataljuna velške Garde.

Privukli su mnogo pozornosti jer su slavnu pjesmu odsvirali tijekom ceremonijalne smjene straže kada kraljevski gardisti "predaju odgovornost za zaštitu Buckinghamske palače i palače Sv. Jakova" novoj grupi vojnika odjevenih u živopisne uniforme.

Po društvenim mrežama proširile su se snimke te izvedbe, a tužni obožavatelji požurili su komentirati kako je to "predivna gesta" kraljevske kuće, kako su se rasplakali, kako je to "fantastična obrada jedne od najboljih pjesama ikad" a neki su se posebno zahvalili zbog poštovanja iskazanog "kraljici rocka".

Tina Turner preminula je u srijedu 24. svibnja, u svojem domu u Švicarskoj. Borila se s nizom zdravstvenih problema.

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Britain\u2018s King Charles III reacts as he meets members of the public during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh\/POOL\/AFP)<\/p>","

Britain\u2018s King Charles III reacts during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh\/POOL\/AFP)<\/p>","

Miami, FL, USAJuly 2022\u2018Nuff Said is a studio album by Ike and Tina Turner. Vinyl record on LP, album cover.<\/p>","

26 August 2013 - Los Angeles - USA
\nTina Turner sits down for an interview wtih Oprah Winfrey\u2018s Next Chapter - during her honeymoon. The What\u2018s Love Got To Do With It singer had tied the knot just one week earlier with boyfriend of 27 years Erwin Bach. Oprah attended the wedding in Switzerland and then met up with the couple while they were on honeymoon in the South of France at the famous Hotel Du Cap. Several minutes of wedding footage including behind the scenes of the big day, were aired during the hour long show. And Turner, who still looks fabulous at 73, didn\u2018t hold back during the candid interview - revealing that while her ex-husband Ike Turner died more than five years ago but rock and roll legend Tina Turner remains haunted by their dysfunctional marriage. Turner revealed that Ike changed her name from Anna Mae Bullock to Tina Turner so he could always own her. She told Oprah: \u201dThe problem was that he was a musician who always wanted to be a star and he was a star locally but never internationally. He changed my name to Tina because if I ran away Tina was his name. It was patented as you call it. So he could own me. He was smart. He wasn\u2018t an educated smart man but had common sense.\u201d Turner also revealed she doesn\u2018t miss singing and dancing after retiring after 50 years in the business and said she did her last tour to make sure she and her family were set financially. And then she revealed she finally agreed to marry Bach, 57, who is 16 years her junior, to get their affairs in order. When asked what keeps her going she replied: \u201dEndurance. I endured hardship all the way but stayed focused \u2013 never smoking, never drinking, never doing drugs. I stayed on course from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me that told me that it can get better.\u201d,Image: 170560623, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: PLEASE CREDIT AS PER BYLINE *UK CLIENTS - PLEASE PIXELATE CHILDS FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION***UK AND USA CLIENTS MUST CALL PRIOR TO TV OR ONLINE USAGE PLEASE CALL 0208 370 0291 or 13106004723, Model Release: no, Pictured: Tina Turner, Erwin Bach, Credit line: XPUSJP\/Backgrid UK\/Profimedia<\/p>","

Los Angeles, California - exact date unknown - circa 1991Singer Tina Turner arriving at a restaurant<\/p>","

A mourner tapes a message outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI\/AFP)<\/p>","

Messages and flowers are attached to the fence outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI\/AFP)<\/p>","

Scots and Welsh Guards march on the procession route back to Buckingham Palace from Westminster Abbey in central London on May 6, 2023, after the coronations of Britain\u2018s King Charles III and Britain\u2018s Queen Camilla. - The set-piece coronation is the first in Britain in 70 years, and only the second in history to be televised. Charles will be the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned at the central London church since King William I in 1066. (Photo by SEBASTIEN BOZON\/POOL\/AFP)<\/p>"],"incptvocmimagegalleryImageFocus":["50:50","50:50","50:50","50:50","50:50","50:50","50:50","50:50"],"incptvocmimagegalleryImageDimensions":[{"size0":"1920x2979","hd_24968474_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24968474_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24968474_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24968474_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24968474_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24968474_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24968474_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24968474_1280.jpg":"1280x1986","o_24968474_1024.jpg":"1024x1588","o_24968474_640.jpg":"640x993","o_24968474_480.jpg":"480x744","o_24968474_340.jpg":"340x527","o_24968474_220.jpg":"220x341","h_24968474_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24968474_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24968474_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24968474_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24968474_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24968474_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24968474_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24968474_1024.jpg":"1024x1303","pp_24968474_640.jpg":"640x814","pp_24968474_480.jpg":"480x611","pp_24968474_340.jpg":"340x432","pp_24968474_220.jpg":"220x280"},{"size0":"1920x1296","hd_24968472_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24968472_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24968472_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24968472_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24968472_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24968472_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24968472_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24968472_1280.jpg":"1280x864","o_24968472_1024.jpg":"1024x691","o_24968472_640.jpg":"640x432","o_24968472_480.jpg":"480x324","o_24968472_340.jpg":"340x229","o_24968472_220.jpg":"220x148","h_24968472_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24968472_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24968472_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24968472_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24968472_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24968472_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24968472_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24968472_1024.jpg":"1024x1303","pp_24968472_640.jpg":"640x814","pp_24968472_480.jpg":"480x611","pp_24968472_340.jpg":"340x432","pp_24968472_220.jpg":"220x280"},{"size0":"1920x1200","hd_24977628_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24977628_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24977628_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24977628_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24977628_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24977628_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24977628_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24977628_1280.jpg":"1280x800","o_24977628_1024.jpg":"1024x640","o_24977628_640.jpg":"640x400","o_24977628_480.jpg":"480x300","o_24977628_340.jpg":"340x212","o_24977628_220.jpg":"220x137","h_24977628_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24977628_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24977628_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24977628_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24977628_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24977628_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24977628_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24977628_1024.jpg":"1024x1303","pp_24977628_640.jpg":"640x814","pp_24977628_480.jpg":"480x611","pp_24977628_340.jpg":"340x432","pp_24977628_220.jpg":"220x280"},{"size0":"1920x1080","hd_24967471_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24967471_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24967471_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24967471_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24967471_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24967471_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24967471_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24967471_1280.jpg":"1280x720","o_24967471_1024.jpg":"1024x576","o_24967471_640.jpg":"640x360","o_24967471_480.jpg":"480x270","o_24967471_340.jpg":"340x191","o_24967471_220.jpg":"220x123","h_24967471_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24967471_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24967471_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24967471_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24967471_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24967471_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24967471_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24967471_1024.jpg":"1024x1303","pp_24967471_640.jpg":"640x814","pp_24967471_480.jpg":"480x611","pp_24967471_340.jpg":"340x432","pp_24967471_220.jpg":"220x280"},{"size0":"1920x1689","hd_24965832_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24965832_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24965832_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24965832_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24965832_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24965832_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24965832_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24965832_1280.jpg":"1280x1126","o_24965832_1024.jpg":"1024x900","o_24965832_640.jpg":"640x563","o_24965832_480.jpg":"480x422","o_24965832_340.jpg":"340x299","o_24965832_220.jpg":"220x193","h_24965832_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24965832_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24965832_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24965832_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24965832_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24965832_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24965832_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24965832_1024.jpg":"1024x1303","pp_24965832_640.jpg":"640x814","pp_24965832_480.jpg":"480x611","pp_24965832_340.jpg":"340x432","pp_24965832_220.jpg":"220x280"},{"size0":"1920x1280","hd_24966297_1920.jpg":"1920x1080","k_24966297_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_24966297_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_24966297_640.jpg":"640x640","k_24966297_480.jpg":"480x480","k_24966297_340.jpg":"340x340","k_24966297_220.jpg":"220x220","o_24966297_1280.jpg":"1280x853","o_24966297_1024.jpg":"1024x682","o_24966297_640.jpg":"640x426","o_24966297_480.jpg":"480x320","o_24966297_340.jpg":"340x226","o_24966297_220.jpg":"220x146","h_24966297_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_24966297_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_24966297_640.jpg":"640x427","h_24966297_480.jpg":"480x320","h_24966297_340.jpg":"340x227","h_24966297_220.jpg":"220x147","pp_24966297_1280.jpg":"1280x1628","pp_24966297_1024.jpg":"1024x1303"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Britain‘s King Charles III reacts as he meets members of the public during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)

[popup_gallery] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Britain‘s King Charles III reacts as he meets members of the public during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)

Oliver Mcveigh/Afp ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Britain‘s King Charles III reacts during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)

Oliver Mcveigh/Afp ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Miami, FL, USAJuly 2022‘Nuff Said is a studio album by Ike and Tina Turner. Vinyl record on LP, album cover.

/Shutterstock ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

26 August 2013 - Los Angeles - USA


Tina Turner sits down for an interview wtih Oprah Winfrey‘s Next Chapter - during her honeymoon. The What‘s Love Got To Do With It singer had tied the knot just one week earlier with boyfriend of 27 years Erwin Bach. Oprah attended the wedding in Switzerland and then met up with the couple while they were on honeymoon in the South of France at the famous Hotel Du Cap. Several minutes of wedding footage including behind the scenes of the big day, were aired during the hour long show. And Turner, who still looks fabulous at 73, didn‘t hold back during the candid interview - revealing that while her ex-husband Ike Turner died more than five years ago but rock and roll legend Tina Turner remains haunted by their dysfunctional marriage. Turner revealed that Ike changed her name from Anna Mae Bullock to Tina Turner so he could always own her. She told Oprah: ”The problem was that he was a musician who always wanted to be a star and he was a star locally but never internationally. He changed my name to Tina because if I ran away Tina was his name. It was patented as you call it. So he could own me. He was smart. He wasn‘t an educated smart man but had common sense.” Turner also revealed she doesn‘t miss singing and dancing after retiring after 50 years in the business and said she did her last tour to make sure she and her family were set financially. And then she revealed she finally agreed to marry Bach, 57, who is 16 years her junior, to get their affairs in order. When asked what keeps her going she replied: ”Endurance. I endured hardship all the way but stayed focused – never smoking, never drinking, never doing drugs. I stayed on course from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me that told me that it can get better.”,Image: 170560623, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: PLEASE CREDIT AS PER BYLINE *UK CLIENTS - PLEASE PIXELATE CHILDS FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION***UK AND USA CLIENTS MUST CALL PRIOR TO TV OR ONLINE USAGE PLEASE CALL 0208 370 0291 or 13106004723, Model Release: no, Pictured: Tina Turner, Erwin Bach, Credit line: XPUSJP/Backgrid UK/Profimedia

Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia/Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Los Angeles, California - exact date unknown - circa 1991Singer Tina Turner arriving at a restaurant

/Shutterstock ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

A mourner tapes a message outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI/AFP)

Fabrice Coffrini/Afp ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Messages and flowers are attached to the fence outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI/AFP)

Fabrice Coffrini/Afp ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Scots and Welsh Guards march on the procession route back to Buckingham Palace from Westminster Abbey in central London on May 6, 2023, after the coronations of Britain‘s King Charles III and Britain‘s Queen Camilla. - The set-piece coronation is the first in Britain in 70 years, and only the second in history to be televised. Charles will be the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned at the central London church since King William I in 1066. (Photo by SEBASTIEN BOZON/POOL/AFP)

Sebastien Bozon/Afp ) ) [bgPosition] => [text] => {OCMSplitter}

Mnogi poznati i nepoznati ljudi širom svijeta tuguju za "kraljicom rock ‘n‘ rolla" Tinom Turner. Iako dugo nije bila aktivna u glazbi, a posljednji koncert održala je još 2009., a zadnji studijski album još 2000. godine, 83-godišnja glazbenica i njezini hitovi ljude ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim ni danas. Tako će, zasigurno, biti i u budućnost. A očigledno je da je kraljicu rocka obožavao i jedan pravi kralj s krunom i prijestoljem - Charles III., britanski vladar. Poznato je da je njegova majka, kraljica Elizabeta II. koja je preminula prošle godine, voljela pjesme Tine Turner, a njih dvije su se čak i upoznale 1989. godine, piše Jutarnji list.

Sada je u čast Tini Turner, u dvorištu Buckinghamske palače, glavnog sjedišta britanske monarhije, a po naredbi kralja Charlesa izvedena je pjesma "Simply The Best". Simpatična je to i pomalo neobična obrada Tininog ultimativnog hita, a izveli su je orkestar velške Garde i bubnjarska skupina 1. bataljuna velške Garde.

Privukli su mnogo pozornosti jer su slavnu pjesmu odsvirali tijekom ceremonijalne smjene straže kada kraljevski gardisti "predaju odgovornost za zaštitu Buckinghamske palače i palače Sv. Jakova" novoj grupi vojnika odjevenih u živopisne uniforme.

Po društvenim mrežama proširile su se snimke te izvedbe, a tužni obožavatelji požurili su komentirati kako je to "predivna gesta" kraljevske kuće, kako su se rasplakali, kako je to "fantastična obrada jedne od najboljih pjesama ikad" a neki su se posebno zahvalili zbog poštovanja iskazanog "kraljici rocka".

Tina Turner preminula je u srijedu 24. svibnja, u svojem domu u Švicarskoj. Borila se s nizom zdravstvenih problema.

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Oliver Mcveigh/Afp Oliver Mcveigh/Afp /Shutterstock Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia/Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia /Shutterstock Fabrice Coffrini/Afp Fabrice Coffrini/Afp Sebastien Bozon/Afp
Oliver Mcveigh/Afp

Britain‘s King Charles III reacts as he meets members of the public during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)

Oliver Mcveigh/Afp

Britain‘s King Charles III reacts during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)


Miami, FL, USAJuly 2022‘Nuff Said is a studio album by Ike and Tina Turner. Vinyl record on LP, album cover.

Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia/Xpusjp/Backgrid Uk/Profimedia

26 August 2013 - Los Angeles - USA


Tina Turner sits down for an interview wtih Oprah Winfrey‘s Next Chapter - during her honeymoon. The What‘s Love Got To Do With It singer had tied the knot just one week earlier with boyfriend of 27 years Erwin Bach. Oprah attended the wedding in Switzerland and then met up with the couple while they were on honeymoon in the South of France at the famous Hotel Du Cap. Several minutes of wedding footage including behind the scenes of the big day, were aired during the hour long show. And Turner, who still looks fabulous at 73, didn‘t hold back during the candid interview - revealing that while her ex-husband Ike Turner died more than five years ago but rock and roll legend Tina Turner remains haunted by their dysfunctional marriage. Turner revealed that Ike changed her name from Anna Mae Bullock to Tina Turner so he could always own her. She told Oprah: ”The problem was that he was a musician who always wanted to be a star and he was a star locally but never internationally. He changed my name to Tina because if I ran away Tina was his name. It was patented as you call it. So he could own me. He was smart. He wasn‘t an educated smart man but had common sense.” Turner also revealed she doesn‘t miss singing and dancing after retiring after 50 years in the business and said she did her last tour to make sure she and her family were set financially. And then she revealed she finally agreed to marry Bach, 57, who is 16 years her junior, to get their affairs in order. When asked what keeps her going she replied: ”Endurance. I endured hardship all the way but stayed focused – never smoking, never drinking, never doing drugs. I stayed on course from the beginning to the end because I believed in something inside of me that told me that it can get better.”,Image: 170560623, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: PLEASE CREDIT AS PER BYLINE *UK CLIENTS - PLEASE PIXELATE CHILDS FACE BEFORE PUBLICATION***UK AND USA CLIENTS MUST CALL PRIOR TO TV OR ONLINE USAGE PLEASE CALL 0208 370 0291 or 13106004723, Model Release: no, Pictured: Tina Turner, Erwin Bach, Credit line: XPUSJP/Backgrid UK/Profimedia


Los Angeles, California - exact date unknown - circa 1991Singer Tina Turner arriving at a restaurant

Fabrice Coffrini/Afp

A mourner tapes a message outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI/AFP)

Fabrice Coffrini/Afp

Messages and flowers are attached to the fence outside the estate of late singer Tina Turner following the announcement of her death, in Kusnacht on May 25, 2023. Rock legend Tina Turner, the growling songstress who electrified audiences from the 1960s and went on to release hit records across five decades, has died at the age of 83 at the age of 83, a statement announced on May 24, 2023 (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI/AFP)

Sebastien Bozon/Afp

Scots and Welsh Guards march on the procession route back to Buckingham Palace from Westminster Abbey in central London on May 6, 2023, after the coronations of Britain‘s King Charles III and Britain‘s Queen Camilla. - The set-piece coronation is the first in Britain in 70 years, and only the second in history to be televised. Charles will be the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned at the central London church since King William I in 1066. (Photo by SEBASTIEN BOZON/POOL/AFP)

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Pogledajte kako su gardisti u Buckinghamskoj palači odali počast Tini Turner i rasplakali njene fanove

Piše SD Mozaik
27. svibnja 2023. - 23:46
Britain‘s King Charles III reacts as he meets members of the public during a visit to Enniskillen Castle, on May 25, 2023 as part of a two-day visit to Northern Ireland. (Photo by Oliver McVeigh/POOL/AFP)Oliver Mcveigh/Afp

Mnogi poznati i nepoznati ljudi širom svijeta tuguju za "kraljicom rock ‘n‘ rolla" Tinom Turner. Iako dugo nije bila aktivna u glazbi, a posljednji koncert održala je još 2009., a zadnji studijski album još 2000. godine, 83-godišnja glazbenica i njezini hitovi ljude ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim ni danas. Tako će, zasigurno, biti i u budućnost. A očigledno je da je kraljicu rocka obožavao i jedan pravi kralj s krunom i prijestoljem - Charles III., britanski vladar. Poznato je da je njegova majka, kraljica Elizabeta II. koja je preminula prošle godine, voljela pjesme Tine Turner, a njih dvije su se čak i upoznale 1989. godine, piše Jutarnji list.

Sada je u čast Tini Turner, u dvorištu Buckinghamske palače, glavnog sjedišta britanske monarhije, a po naredbi kralja Charlesa izvedena je pjesma "Simply The Best". Simpatična je to i pomalo neobična obrada Tininog ultimativnog hita, a izveli su je orkestar velške Garde i bubnjarska skupina 1. bataljuna velške Garde.

Privukli su mnogo pozornosti jer su slavnu pjesmu odsvirali tijekom ceremonijalne smjene straže kada kraljevski gardisti "predaju odgovornost za zaštitu Buckinghamske palače i palače Sv. Jakova" novoj grupi vojnika odjevenih u živopisne uniforme.

Po društvenim mrežama proširile su se snimke te izvedbe, a tužni obožavatelji požurili su komentirati kako je to "predivna gesta" kraljevske kuće, kako su se rasplakali, kako je to "fantastična obrada jedne od najboljih pjesama ikad" a neki su se posebno zahvalili zbog poštovanja iskazanog "kraljici rocka".

Tina Turner preminula je u srijedu 24. svibnja, u svojem domu u Švicarskoj. Borila se s nizom zdravstvenih problema.

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18. svibanj 2024 14:40